Our Ministry

COVID has been a time of unprecedented difficulty in our world. In spite of this challenge, the Church of the Advent has remained vibrant as a congregation. The following are the many ways in which our worshipping community at Advent cares for their spiritual, emotional and physical well-being as well as engaging in pastoral care to those beyond our church walls.

We offer monthly Healing Services, weekly bible study and passing of the peace. We have cared for our physical bodies through yoga, meditation and hosting the local AA community for their recovery meetings. We believe in the importance of fun as it relates to holistic care of our body, mind and spirit. As such we have hosted ukulele sessions, chess matches, coffee hours, theatre groups and theater youth workshops. Our church life has strengthened the connections amongst us as members participate in a breakfast group, bowling and meeting to walk together.

We hold Super Suppers every Wednesday during Lent which the doors of Advent are open to the community for a free meal of soup, bread and salad.

Deacon Penny leads biannual retreats during Lent and Christmas seasons. These are times of reflection and connection during which participants deepen their faith and also contribute to those in need, most recently making first aid kits for refugees.

We have a Sunshine Committee composed of representatives from the congregation. This group makes phone calls, sends cards and checks in on those homebound. Church of the Advent takes special notice of the elderly. One such unique ministry is our Petals and Prayers program. The church has a collaborative relationship with a fellow Episcopalian at Trader Joes store. Once every 6 weeks, Trader Joe’s donates the day-old flowers to be taken to nursing homes and hospitals. The flowers are prayed over before distributing. This is a way to spread joy and faith to those most in need.

Outside of our Sunday worship, Advent provides the workspace for Donna Anderson’s Zonta club to prepare “birthing kits”. Last year 750 birthing kits were sent to Guatemala and this year kits will go to Nigeria. A birthing kit contains supplies needed for the actual delivery of a baby when a woman has no other resources. The kit contains razors, plastic sheeting, gloves, soap, mask, cording and a few other items.

We are focused on living our faith through practice, especially helping the underserved. We hold a pet food pantry, clothing drive for the Veterans Administration of WNY (socks and underwear), and donation drive of baby items for Haven House shelter. We feed those in need. Once per month, the congregation makes 200 sandwiches and delivers these to Niagara Falls homeless shelter. We also donate toiletries to Compass House, a local homeless shelter for youth in our community as well as backpacks and school supplies to the Buffalo Public Schools.

Advent has also been involved with St. Joseph’s Indian School in Chamberlain, South Dakota for over twenty years. St. Joseph’s Indian school is a school for indigenous people in South Dakota. St. Joseph’s serves 200 Lakota children by providing housing and education. These children come from extreme poverty and abuse. Some changes in support have been restructured. One of our church members has visited there to see firsthand what is being accomplished.

Church of the Advent is passionate about the expansion of Our Little Roses. This is a residential home and school in San Pedro Sula, Honduras for at-risk girls. Supported by the Episcopal Church, the 65 plus girls there are given safety, love and an education. Moral and spiritual values are strengthened through the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. From one member of Advent being involved with OLR for over 17 years, this ministry has now grown in the last five years to three church members taking the week-long mission trip each January. It has also resulted in more church members stepping up to sponsor an individual girl through monthly donations. The church family has also committed to sponsoring one girl for her care and education. The interest in this ministry has strengthened the bonds amongst the congregation.