
MEGA Rummage Sale!!

Church of the Advent will be hosting a HUGE rummage sale on 

SEPT 28th from 8am - 3PM

Bring your shopping bags!!

Advent's Gardent Angels are in need of Volunteers - Advent's garden angels are looking for a few volunteers to help to manage our flower planting and to help maintain the church gardens. No experience needed, just willing hearts and hands. With a few volunteers you would only need to come one time per month.

If you are able to help or have questions please contact Rebecca Kiel,

Haven House and Child & Family Services:

are in need of the following items:

As always, gift cards are very helpful to quickly fulfill needs as they arise. Amazon, Walmart, Target, or Visa in any amount are much appreciated. Donations can be placed in the bin under the table outside the office. Questions please contact Rosemary Bowen,

Please consider supporting Haven House!

Coffee Hour

Coffee Hour needs your support to continue. 

Please consider signing up to be host. The Sign-up sheet is in the Parish Hall. 

Hosting coffee is easy: Make coffee, put goodies on tray. Walla! Coffee hour set up is complete.

Kenmore Community Food Pantry: is in need of peanut butter, jelly, pasta and sauce, along with the typical pantry staples. 

For more information please contact Donna Anderson

The VA Hospital is in need of the following items:

Please place items in the bin outside of the office. If you have any questions, please contact Carol Battaglia.

Pet Food Pantry is always in need of food. Dry food for cats and/or dogs is best. Also, cans of Friskies Pate for cats and large cans of dog food. Please deposit your donations in the bin outside of the office. Thank you from all our furry friends (and owners!) Questions? Please contact Linda Cook 716-913-3057.

Cleaning Crew: July 30th at 9AM

Cleaning Crew meets @ 9am and appreciates any time you can donate. If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Barton at 716-534-1498

Is your secret desire to be a TY Producer? We won't promise fame and fortune, but we need you to help manage our audio and video equipment during the 9 o'clock service. Can you help? Please talk to Mother Bonnie or a vestry member if you are interested.

Do you love to sing? Come and join our impromptu choir at the 9 o'clock service to help support congregational singing. No rehearsal, no robes, just come and sit in the choir stalls a few minutes before the service starts.


Sunday School is held during our 9 a.m. service.  We have a wonderful year planned!  There are many ways to help.  If you are interested, please let me know,

TOPS GIFT CARD PROGRAM: Purchase gas, food and prescriptions as you normally would, and raise 5% profit for the church by just purchasing TOPS GIFT CARDS, without spending any extra money. Please consider purchasing TOPS GIFT CARD each week to help support the Church Maintenance Fund. Gift cards will be available each service on Sundays and can be purchased from Kathy Barton at the 9am service.

Deacon Penny will once again be collecting bottle receipts to use towards supplies for Sunday School. Please place your receipts in an envelope labled Sunday School and place in the brown collection box outside the office

Dash's Grocery Receipts

 The Women’s Guild will once again be collecting Dash’s

grocery receipts to use towards supplies to make

sandwiches for the St. Vincent De Paul food pantry. Please

place your receipts in an envelope labled Dash’s and place in

the brown collection box outside the office.

Rental Opportunity: If you know a baker looking to rent a commercial-grade kitchen, the Church of the Advent may be right for you. You will have private access to the building, free parking, two large gas ovens, and large refrigerator and freezer. Rental terms are reasonable and negotiable. Please call Larry Mazuchowski at 716-228-8960 for more information!