Brief History of the Church of Advent

The Church of the Advent was founded in September , 1904 as a mission of the Church of Good Shepherd in Buffalo, to serve Episcopalians in the recently established village of Kenmore. Services were initially held in members' homes, then in the village hall/fire hall on Delaware Avenue. In 1910 a mission building was built at the corner of Eugene and LaSalle Avenue. Then years later, Advent was incorporated as a self-supporting church within the diocese. 

As Kenmore and the church grew, new property was purchased on Delaware Road. The cornerstone for the building , which now serves as the parish hall, was laid in June, 1923, and the first services held on Christmas Eve of the same year. Worship took place on the second floor, with the church hall and kitchen on the first floor and the Sunday School in the basement. 

Long range plans call for eventual expansion, and by 1951, continued population growth in Kenmore and nearby parts of the Town of Tonawanda provided the need, so in May of 1951 ground was broken and in September the cornerstone laid for the new church, which was dedicated a year later. Capacity for worship was increased from about 170 to some 300. 

Throughout its almost hundred years of existence, Advent has been an integral part of the community, housing not only its own organizations, but also community groups. Its members continue to be active participants not only in their parish but also in the economic, social and cultural life of the village, the town and Western New York.

Mother Bonnie

Mo. Bonnie came to Advent as priest-in-charge in January of 2022, but was certainly not a newcomer to the parish.  She was a parishioner at Advent from 1993 through 2008, when she entered Holy Orders.  She and her husband Tim have two grown sons and live in Kenmore.  

Mo. Bonnie's understanding of church and religion:

"Bringing religion out of the church building and into our lives, our work, our sorrows and our successes is my goal. Three tools that the church gives us are the Bible, Worship and each other.

The Bible is the inspired Word of God, written, compiled, edited and translated by humans who were responding to the needs of the people of God both for their time and place and for all people everywhere.  The bible can be challenging and hard to read, and sometimes it contradicts itself.  It is, however, a gift to us, and by engaging in its stories, understanding its history and finding the multiple levels of meanings and truths that it gives, we will come to understand ourselves and deepen our relationship with each other and with God.

In worship we come together to praise, to thank, to receive and to bless.  Our  Episcopal liturgy is not the only way to worship, but it is a remarkably beautiful and meaningful way.  In worship we are united, strengthened, changed, and then we are sent out into the world.  We pray:  

"Open our eyes to see your hand at work in the world about us. Deliver

us from the presumption of coming to this Table for solace

only, and not for strength; for pardon only, and not for

renewal. Let the grace of this Holy Communion make us one

body, one spirit in Christ, that we may worthily serve the

world in his name."  (BCP, pg. 272)  

This is the goal of our worship, to be strengthened to take our loving hearts and helping hands out into the world.

Mo. Bonnie holds an M. Div from Christ the King Seminary and an M.B.A. from the University of Buffalo.  Be prepared to hear influences from Star Trek, Star Wars, Dr. Who, Snoopy and Harry Potter in her sermons

Deacon Penny

The Reverend Penny Foster is our Deacon.  Deacon Penny has a long history of service at Advent.  She is retired from Canisius College, loves working with Advent's youngest parishioners, and frequently assists with wildlife education programs 

2023 Vestry


Sr. Warden: Richard Wood       

Treasure: Larry Mazuchowski              Clerk of the Vestry: Megan Strong


Vestry Members:

Kathy Barton  Judy Csonka   Doug Fenton  Nathali Head 

Marc Gutierrez    Stephanie Nelson      Everson Kalman Larry Mazuchowski

Ex Officio: Deacon Penny Foster

Liason to the Northern Area Deanery

Kathy Chase

Three Delegates and One Alternate to the Annual Diocesan Convention

Larry Mazuchowski

Kathy Barton

Doug Fenton

Marc Gutierrez - Alternate